Shows: Beavis and Butthead , Daria
Daria Morgendorffer is present in every episode and central to almost every plot. Cynical and sardonic to a terminal degree, Daria's intellectuality and academic insight is often counterbalanced by her pronounced lack of motivation. Although Daria has been involved in school activities and social events, it usually takes bribery from her parents, threats upon her grades by Principal Li, or cajoling by Jane Lane to enlist her participation. Her trademark characteristic is that she rarely changes her facial expression or the tone of her voice, except for a small satisfied smile akin to the Mona Lisa's when she is pleased, and sometimes a high-pitched "Eep!" sound when something is suggested or hinted that involves Jane's brother, Trent. Bemused by the world around her, Daria usually reacts to the stupidity of her classmates, faculty and family with a caustic remark, and only lets her emotions show in times of deep frustration. In her spare time, Daria likes to write, but she is often reluctant to make her work public. Daria is voiced by Tracy Grandstaff.
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